23andMe does autosomal testing. They will provide two levels of access: Genealogical and Healthcare. The price varies.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Testing Companies]
Ancestry does autosomal DNA testing. Prices vary.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Testing Companies]
Blaine Bettinger's Shared cM project automated where you enter the number of cM you share with your genetic match and all but the possible connections are then "ghosted" out.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Third Party Analysis Tools]
A third party match / tool site where you upload your autosomal raw data and you are provided ethnic maps, tools, and matches to others in their database
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Third Party Analysis Tools]
Upload autosomal raw data file and analysis tools and matches to others within their database. You will need to create an ID when you upload your file.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Third Party Analysis Tools]
This tool has been built to help solve DNA puzzles (including unknown parentage cases) by undertaking the calculations described by Leah Larkin in her series Science the heck out of your DNA... You enter the known DNA matches and their cM amounts with THEIR trees. The app will then show the probability of your relationship within members of that tree.
Last Updated: 28 July 2018 [Located in Category: Research]
FamilyTree DNA provides testing for autosomal DNA, mitochondirail DNA, and Y-DNA. They will accept uploads of autosomal DNA raw files from other companies. Prices vary on all tests depending on the depth of testing requested.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Testing Companies]
Upload autosomal raw data to site that contains other users from many DNA testing companies. Provides matches and analysis tools. You my have a log in ID (FREE) and it is important to also upload your GEDcom file as well to take full advantage of the site.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Third Party Analysis Tools]
Not what you think! The site offers a PAID service that monitors your DNA test sites for any new matches and sends an email to you at your defined rate of update. It is also the site that is the source of the much reviewed Cluster Reporting.
Last Updated: 16 December 2018 [Located in Category: Research]
International Society of Genetic Genealogy -- check the wiki for explanations of those technical terms whose definitions totally elude you.
Last Updated: 17 April 2018 [Located in Category: Research]
This is a free tool created by B. F. Lyon visualizations that allows you to view your family tree or pedigree chart as strings with your DNA as a basis (assuming you have uploaded a valid GEDcom file.
Last Updated: 20 June 2019 [Located in Category: Research]
The newest player on the field. They recently announced they let you create an account and upload your raw data file from another company. The catch is that you will not see any results until late this Summer. You can also pay them to do the testing. Prices vary.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Testing Companies]
MyHeritage does autosomal DNA testing. They are also a document warehouse and genealogy database site. MyHeritage currenly accepts uploads of raw data from other autosomal DNA tests provided by other companies.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Testing Companies]
Upload autosomal raw data and for a fee (currently $5) will provide reports of medical reports that reference various markers in your DNA - both reports that show no correlation to one of your markers and reports that show there have been studies that show a correlation.
Last Updated: 11 March 2018 [Located in Category: Third Party Analysis Tools]